Antonia Leise Antonia Leise is responsible for everything international at Vox. Originally from Germany, she came for a study at Radboud but stayed for the city. Antonia likes history, writing and long walks to the next barista. [email protected]
22 november 2023 Internationals voelen zich minder welkom in Nederland: ‘Dit zal tientallen jaren duren om te herstellen’
English 22 november 2023 Survey shows internationals feeling less welcome in the Netherlands: ‘This will take decades to fix’
English 21 november 2023 Declining number of internationals at Radboud but increases in AI and Philosophy
English 14 november 2023 Canceled lecture series on Israel-Palestine situation: ‘Censorship’ or ‘guidelines’?
14 november 2023 Lezingenreeks over situatie Israël en Palestina ging niet door. ‘Censuur’ of ‘richtlijnen’? 10 reacties