
Storm damage on campus not too bad, broken window in University Chaplaincy

18 Feb 2022

All in all, Radboud University's campus survived storm Eunice well. A few trees were blown over and a window near the University Chaplaincy shattered. Things are now being cleaned up.

Last Friday, Radboud University’s campus closed its doors at 3 p.m. The reason was storm Eunice raging through the country. In Nijmegen, wind speeds of up to 110 kilometers per hour were measured.

Eunice’s biggest victim was the University Chaplaincy, where a window was shattered by a branch that fell down. The Berchmanianum lost a couple of roof tiles.

Most damage was done to the vegetation on campus. At the Spinoza building, a beech tree was blown over near the bicycle shed. A tree also fell on the Disveldpad, and there are many loose branches in the forest area between the Berchmanianum and the district of Brakkenstein.


In the recent past the campus has been the victim of extreme weather a few times. In September last year, downpours caused leakages in the Spinoza building, the Elinor Ostrom building, the Linnaeus building, the Refter and the Lecture Hall Complex. Several lectures were terminated and continued online.

The damage done to the buildings was not too bad: the university did not have to use their insurance. Afterwards, the service Campus & Facilities started an investigation to look into what measures could be taken to avoid such leakages in the future.


A few months earlier, the brand-new Maria Montessori building flooded with sewage water after a heavy downpour. To prevent further water damages in that building, buildings were disconnected from the sewerage and an emergency overflow system was implemented.

Because of storm Ciara, that raged through the Netherlands two years ago, three trees on campus were blown over. At the start of 2018 the damage was even worse: a heavy storm left a trail of destruction in the forest areas on campus.

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