
End-of-year questions (1): pastafarian Mienke de Wilde

21 Dec 2018

On 15 August, the Council of State judged that law student and pastafarian Mienke de Wilde would not be allowed to have a strainer on her head for the photograph on her driving licence.

How do you look back on that decision by the Council of State?

‘As a pastafarian, it was frustrating, but it was very interesting for me as a law student. A lot of legal journals wrote about the case. Some academics stuck up for us, others didn’t. We will fight the case at the European Court of Human Rights next.’

What was the highlight of 2018 for you?

‘The birth of my son ten months ago. And that constantly comes with new highlights: he’s just starting to walk.’

What is the best thing you’ve seen, heard, or read this year?

‘The Guns N’ Roses concert in the Goffertpark was very cool. Because of the baby, films and books did not get much attention. And if I was reading at all, they were my study books.’

What is your wish for 2019, for yourself or for others?

‘If you step out of the main stream once in a while, you see a lot more beautiful things. That is something I learnt as pastafarian. And although I got a lot of bad press, it is something I don’t want to lose out on ever again.’

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