
Free access for students at Valkhof Museum

13 Sep 2019

Radboud University and the Valkhof Museum want to work more closely together. Yesterday, they signed a declaration of intent as a starting point. For university students, this brings good news: soon, they will no longer have to pay an entrance fee for the museum.

In the belief that the worlds of art and science have a lot to offer each other, Radboud University and the Valkhof Museum organised the symposium ‘Building bridges’ yesterday.

The event, with among others photographer Erwin Olaf as a speaker, marked the beginning of more collaboration between university and museum. Valkhof director Hedwig Saam and university rector Han van Krieken signed a declaration of intent. The idea is that this will result in a convenant next year, which will contain more concrete agreements.

‘In the following year, we will find out what we can offer each other’, says Johan Oosterman, programme director at Radboud Heritage and with that, the driving force behind the collaboration. ‘We will install a think tank with people of the museum and the university, to brainstorm about joint projects, like expositions.’

Free entrance

During the conversations between Oosterman and Saam, the idea arose to give students the possibility to enter the museum for free. ‘The museum wants to attract more young people’, says Oosterman. ‘Right now, this is still difficult.’ From the 11th of October, the museum will be free for students.

In the spring of 2020, Oosterman will co-lead a think tank of Radboud Honours Academy, in which participants have to come up with ideas for how the museum can be more attractive for young people. ‘Because taking away the entrance fee is not enough, of course. The museum should also have enough interesting things to offer younger visitors.’

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