
New exam location in use on campus

08 Jan 2021

Students can take their exams at the new exam location on the Comeniuslaan since this week. The building can currently hold 150 students at the same time. Ultimately, this figure should be around 900.

The old education building on the Comeniuslaan 6, where the Faculty of Social Sciences was also temporarily housed, has been renovated. Thanks to this renovation, desperately trying to fit all your sheets of paper on a wobbly table at the Radboud Sports Centre (RSC) is really a thing of the past. The new Comenius building has 315 seats where digital exams can be taken simultaneously. During the coronavirus crisis 150 seats are available, fully COVID-secure.

Later in the year, the adjoining former administrative building on the Comeniuslaan 4 will also be renovated, bringing the total number of workstations to 889. This construction work should be completed at the start of the next academic year. Students will then be divided over the two locations: exams will take place in building A or building B, as explained in the instruction video below.


However, the new location is not available for students who want to take their online exams with surveillance program Proctorio at the campus, rather than at home. Other locations are available for them, for example the areas that have already been set up in the Erasmus building.

The university is happy with the new exam location, according to a spokesman last year. The tables in the RSC were not ideal. Digital tests are also becoming increasingly popular. Both students and lecturers benefit from digital testing: after all, typing is faster than writing and lecturers no longer have to decipher sloppy handwriting.

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