
Rector: ‘Trust in Carolus Magnus confirmed’

11 Jul 2018

Rector Han van Krieken had a good meeting with the presidium of the student association Carolus Magnus. He sees this as a confirmation of trust in the student association.

The original purpose of the meeting between the rector and the current and incoming praeses of Carolus Magnus, which had been scheduled for quite some time, was to discuss the orientation programme. And that was indeed what they talked about. However, the matter of the anonymous letter on GeenStijl containing allegations of sexual misconduct was also discussed, said Van Krieken.

‘We went through the timeline of the events to see if the ideas that I had were also correct,’ said the rector. ‘This did not lead to different perspectives. Carolus Magnus handled this matter well.’
The rector also asked about the victim and the offender. ‘It’s a difficult period for them, but it’s good that their names weren’t made public. If necessary, they can both consult the student psychologist.’

Rector Han van Krieken. Photo: Marjolein van Diejen.

In line with other student associations in the Netherlands, Carolus Magnus is going to set up an external confidence committee where members can report problems; the association was already working on this prior to the incident. Members of this committee could include ex-members and staff of Radboud University.


Carolus Magnus also promised that, should new incidents occur, its board would immediately contact Radboud University. ‘We will then help where necessary,’ said the rector, who hopes that people will soon forget about this particular matter.

Kevin Brinkers, the current praesis of Carolus Magnus, was also satisfied with the meeting. ‘To set the record straight: the anonymous letter on GeenStijl was not the reason for this meeting,’ he stated. ‘Good contact with Radboud University is important, which is why we meet several times a year. And we’ll continue to do so in the future.’

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