
Vox editor Stan van Pelt wins national award for science journalism

30 Mar 2020

Science journalist Stan van Pelt has won an award for the best Netherlands-wide production in science journalism of 2019 with a Vox story. For months, van Pelt followed neuroscientist Sebo Uithol in the run-up to his application for an ERC-grant. The story reads ’almost like a thriller’, according to the jury.

Summer 2019 was a rollercoaster ride for Sebo Uithol. For months, the neuroscientist from Nijmegen had worked full time on his European grant application over 1.5 Million euros. Sharpening his presentation skills, receiving advise from Radboud University grant advisors and feedback from colleagues. Before going to Brussels, delivering a pitch in front of the selection committee of the European Research Council (ERC).

Stan van Pelt, Vox editor since last autumn and until 2017 researcher himself, followed Uithol through all of it. Reporting about his preparatory route, even before the commission announced their decision. Unknowing that the ERC application would be rejected. A decision announced in September, unhinging Uithol’s scientific career. Consequentially followed by Van Pelt’s second story, in which Uithol talked openly about his despair.

The Vereniging voor Wetenschapsjournalistiek en -communicatie Nederland (VWN) has praised the stories for their ’unique insight into the harshness of the contemporary scientific world.’ According to the jury, Uithol’s story reads almost ’like a thriller.’

Van Pelt’s win was announced yesterday in a – due to the corona measurements – digital award ceremony by board- and jury member Nadine Böke. The physical delivery of the so-called ’Golden chisel’ will follow later this year. According to Böke, the jury consisted of Martijn van Calmthout, previous editor-in-chief of the science devision of de Volkskrant, and Ronald Veldhuizen, last year’s winner.

Dymph van den Boom

Next to Vox-editor Van Pelt, Jop de Vrieze followed on the second place for his series about vaccines in de Groene Amsterdammer and Frank van Kolfschooten on the third place. Latter for his exposure of the alleged plagiarism of Dymph van den Boom, former rector of the UvA, in NRC.

In her video announcement, Böke emphasised the jury’s delight over high-quality science journalism not being restricted to established nation-wide newspapers. ’You should not underestimate university newspapers.’


1 Comment

  1. Esther-Mirjam Sent wrote on 2 april 2020 at 17:06

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