Carolus Magnus cancels skiing trip to Risoul because of unwell students
Foto ter illustratie (via Pixabay)
Carolus Magnus is cancelling her skiing trip to Risoul. Reason is the stories about students becoming unwell in the French town. According to the president, the student association can no longer guarantee her members’ safety.
Coming Friday, 128 members of Carolus Magnus were supposed to travel to the Alps for a long weekend of skiing in Risoul. The vacation is now unsure, since the student association has decided to no longer be involved in the trip. ‘It’s about the health of our members,’ says president Guus Kierkels. ‘That makes it a very easy decision.’
Last week, stories came out about students from Utrecht becoming unwell during their stay in Risoul. There supposedly was a grim atmosphere in the popular ski resort, especially in the local bar La Grotte du Yeti. Last Saturday it came to light that there were also students from Nijmegen who became unwell, the cause supposedly being drug poisonings.
Own initiative
Members of Carolus Magnus are still allowed to go at their own initiative. After all, they paid the 400 euros for the trip out of their own pocket. ‘But we urgently advised everyone to stay at home,’ says Kierkels. ‘If members still decide to go, it’s their own responsibility.’
Kierkels spoke about the situation in Risoul to the board of Ovum Novum, who were at the resort two weeks ago. Furthermore, the National Chamber of Associations (LKvV), of which the two Dutch associations are a part of, spoke to her members about their experiences in Risoul. According to Kierkels, it became apparent that these last few weeks 22 Dutch students became unwell.
‘There is a group of people over there with evil intentions’
Although it has not yet been confirmed that students in Risoul were drugged, Kierkels is convinced Risoul is currently not a safe place to stay. ‘There is a group of people over there with evil intentions.’
Drugs in drinks
French media reports about polluted drinking water in town. ‘I have also heard those stories,’ says Kierkels. ‘But we have enough indications to assume students’ drinks were drugged.’ The French police is now investigating this claim, partly based on camera evidence.
Together with LKvV, Carolus Magnus is going to try to get refunds for members who decide to cancel their trip.