
End-of-year-questions (6): musician Niekse

06 Jan 2019

Niek van Hilten graduated a year ago and has taken the time to release an album in 2018. Together with fellow musicians, he organised the Liedjesfestival (song festival) in Brebl.

How do you look back on the launch of your album during the Liedjesfestival?

‘Great! Both events were things I had spent a lot of time on, and that I was looking forward to tremendously. The album presentation in Merleyn was by far the coolest performance of the year. I am still proud when I think about how we stood there as a band, and how we took the little singer-songwriter tunes and built them up so they could be delivered with more impact on the bigger stages.’

What was the highlight of 2018 for you?

‘My highlight of 2018 was the tour of Germany with my colleague and friend Gil Hockman. It was wonderful to tour Germany together and perform nearly every day.’

What is the best thing you’ve seen, heard, or read this year?

‘The best thing I’ve seen this year was a gig by the progressive bluegrass band Punch Brothers in Paradiso on 12 November. The way they use their fairly complex music to get the room both really quiet as well as on their feet and dancing is phenomenal. Very inspiring.’

What is your wish for 2019, for yourself or for others?

‘I wish everyone a beautiful and musical 2019! Be sure to keep supporting your local artists. For instance on 19 January, at You Should Get To Know Us in Merleyn.’

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