New in Nijmegen (1): Sam
Sam Graafmans. Photo: Tom Hessels
Sam Graafmans (18) from Halsteren is studying History. He is happy to be able to meet fellow students in person today.
‘I really wanted to participate in the orientation week. I thought it would be useful to get practical information about my studies. And I had heard from others that it is a nice week, in which you get to know the city well.
This year everything is indeed sober, but I have not considered doing everything online only. During the physical activities today, I can get to know some of my fellow students. That works better in real life. We just met, half an hour before the intro market.
Yes, I wanted to study right after my graduation, a gap year is not something that suits me. I think I probably would mainly hang out on the couch at home instead of working.
What do I think of the market? In essence, it is useful. I have already registered with the study association, and have also went to talk to two fraternities. I don’t know yet if I will join.
I moved into a student room at Vossenveld. I wanted to leave my parent’s place, it seemed like a good moment to start living on my own now. I am from a village just above Bergen op Zoom. Yes, at the moment there are many corona infections over there. Maybe it is indeed a good thing that I am not there now.’