Nijmegen4Ukraine helps students feel a bit less powerless
Herman Fomenko during a protest against the invasion. Own photo.
When Herman Fomenko started his study biology in Nijmegen last September, the war seemed far away. Now, his parents in Kyiv tell him it is better to stay in Nijmegen. To combat his feeling of helplessness, Fomenko is an active member of Ukraine4Nijmegen.
Herman Fomenko (18) has mixed feelings. On one hand, the biology student wants to go back to Kyiv to help, but his parents tell him it is better to stay in Nijmegen. ‘Maybe I can be of more help here in Nijmegen,’ he thinks out loud.
Together with others, Fomenko has founded the group Nijmegen4Ukraine. Together they hold protests and collect relief supplies. The student has been in Nijmegen since last September. ‘Back then, a war seemed far away,’ Fomenko says dejectedly. ‘After the winter, everything went so rapidly.’
Mental wellbeing
Ukrainians in Nijmegen have found each other by protesting collectively against the invasion by Russia. Fomenko: ‘We give each other a lot of support. This whole situation has a big impact on my mental well-being. We try to stay strong and not give up. That is why we keep searching for ways to help and offer support.’
Fomenko says he receives a lot of support from fellow students, his study program, the faculty and the university. He hopes the university can help in spreading the right information and has asked whether the Radboudumc can provide medicine for Ukraine. The group is active on several social media platforms.
Relief supplies
‘We have quite a list of necessary relief supplies for a delivery that goes to Ukraine on March 5. If people from Nijmegen want to help, they can speak up and support Ukraine, donate and make sure the right information is shared.’
All help is welcome, Fomenko emphasizes. If anything, it gives him the feeling he can make himself useful in helping his home country.