Ovum Novum and Carolus Magnus are going to draw lots for new members
De introductiecommissie van Ovum. Foto: David van Haren
Het terras bij Ovum zit dagelijks vol. Foto: Tom Hessels
Silent disco bij Carolus. Foto: Tom Hessels
De lange rij met bezoekers bij Carolus Magnus. Foto: Tom Hessels
Ovum organiseerde deze week eetacties. Foto: Tom Hessels
Biertafels binnen bij Carolus Magnus. Foto: Tom Hessels
De introductiecommissie van Carolus. Foto: David van Haren
Student associations Carolus Magnus and Ovum Novum have a busy introduction week. The parties are sold out, the beer is flowing and the waiting lists have been full for months. ‘After the introduction we will draw lots.’
Also this year, things seem a little different at Ovum Novum. Where normally there is room for 300 partying freshmen, there are now only 180 seats available at the student association at the Sint Canisussingel. But the corona measures are not spoiling the fun.
Emma (23) and Stijn (24) are members of the introduction committee and have worked for a year on the preparations. Emma: ‘It’s great when everything is finally set up and everyone is having a good time.’ Instead of the usual ‘open feesten’ (parties hosted by the association and where everyone is allowed to come), Ovum Novum is organizing seated silent discos this year. And these are popular among the new students. ‘We are completely full every night,’ says Stijn. ‘Last night the queue was even around the corner of the street. I couldn’t even let my own fraternity in.’
Event license
The choice not to work with QR-codes has to do with obtaining the correct license. ‘As an association, we already have a terrace license, which is why we were unable to get an event license as well,’ explains Emma. ‘With fixed seats, we were still able to organize something.’
‘We are completely full every night’
Student association Carolus Magnus did receive a license. To enter, visitors must be able to show a valid QR-code. Board member Rutger (21) explains: ‘We organize a party every other day. We have to, because otherwise we would be seen as a multi-day event, and we don’t have a license for that. By working with QR-codes, we can receive 250 people who do not have to keep distance. It’s very busy every night.’
Full waiting lists
That the need for associational life is high among the new students, is apparent from the large numbers of applications that both associations have received. ‘We already were fully booked before the introduction even started,’ says Anouk (22), member of the introduction committee at Carolus. ‘New applications will be placed on the waiting list and after the introduction, we will draw lots.’
Ovum will also work with drawing lots. Their waiting list has been growing for months. Stijn: ‘By drawing lots, we can give everyone a chance to become a member. That’s fair.’
Law enforcement
Although the terraces of the associations look old-fashioned busy, compliance with the corona rules is strictly controlled. Not only by the police, but also by the associations themselves. Rutger: ‘On the days that we don’t organize parties, our terrace is open. Visitors have to stick to the rules there again: a maximum of 8 people can sit at a table and we work with fixed seats. The police came by on Saturday and everything turned out to be okay, so that’s a relief.’
At Ovum Novum, supervisors are walking around to ensure that all corona measures are complied with. ‘Associations are strictly checked during the introduction week,’ says Emma. ‘But we want everyone to have a good time. If that means that we have to be strict, then that’s little effort.’