Paving the way (2): ‘Offer internationals students more’
Photo: Marjolein van Diejen
While new students from all over the world arrive in Nijmegen, some others just arrived back home. How did they experience their time here and what's their golden tip for new students? This time, Georgina Katsaiti, from Greece. 'Everything looked closer on the map.'
What would you have liked to know when you arrived at Radboud University?
‘When I arrived I would have liked to know the distances between Radboud, the city center and Vossenveld. If I knew that, I would have chosen a different dorm. Everything looked closer on the map.’
Apart from studying, what did you do in Nijmegen in your free time?
‘I loved riding my bike through the city or sitting by the river. Whenever something bad was happening, that was the best thing to do.’
Do you have a golden tip for new students?
‘Don’t ride your bike after 3 o’clock. It’s really cold!’
Do you have one piece of advice for Radboud University, to improve it?
‘I think that Radboud should improve the things they have to offer international students. Especially the quantity of choices for courses or internships. There was discrimination to those who did not speak Dutch, I felt. This is why I could not find an internship. Many instructions on the website were not translated and I could not understand them without help from Dutch students.’
What has been your best memory from studying/living in Nijmegen?
‘My best memory was when I saw the campus and city for the first time. It was awesome.’