
Professors in open letter: ‘Join the strike for the future of democracy’

11 Mar 2025

Lay down work and join the strike on Thursday. That is what three Nijmegen professors are calling their colleagues to do in a letter signed by over 160 professors from different faculties. ‘Universities are fundamental to democracy.’

‘At Radboud University, we will be striking on 13 March. This strike is directed against the politics of budget cuts to education. […] We are striking in protest against a government that wants to push through historic education cuts that are unnecessary, unwise, undesirable, and not legitimate.’ begins the letter. This is followed by a call to staff and students to join the strike.

In Nijmegen, staff and students from Radboud University and HAN University of Applied Sciences will be laying down work this Thursday. Most research and teaching activities will be cancelled that day. The action began yesterday in Leiden and The Hague, and today it is Utrecht’s turn. Other university cities will follow in the coming weeks. The strike will conclude with a nationwide rally.

The letter is an initiative by professors Melanie Schiller (Contemporary Media Cultures), Johan Oosterman (Early Dutch Literature), and Marc van Oostendorp (Dutch and Academic Communication). Even before the letter was made public, it had already been signed some 150 times via a link that was shared among professors.

Democracy under pressure

The three initiators believe that universities are the backbone of a healthy democracy. And democracy is now coming under pressure. ‘We are extremely concerned about this development. ‘High-quality independent information is needed for public knowledge and debates within society,’ Schiller explains.

As an example, she cites a topic like climate change. ‘For this kind of issue, scientific knowledge is essential. We must make sure that we do not mix facts and opinions. And in the process, universities contribute to innovative solutions – which is also what the government is cutting back on now.’

‘If science is no longer funded by the government, it becomes more dependent on external parties,’ the professor continues. ‘Think of research being funded by companies, all of which of course have their own agenda.’

Broad support

Why is it so important that professors in particular speak out? ‘Because they are role models within academia,’ says Schiller. ‘And they are responsible for guaranteeing the quality of their field of science.’

‘The letter was signed by professors from all faculties,’ she adds. ‘This shows that our position has broad support throughout academia.’

Schiller therefore hopes that many people will join the strike. Because the more exposure, the better. ‘We also want to engage with people from outside the academic community in the city; as this is ultimately about them too. Everyone benefits from good-quality science.’

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