
Rector Han van Krieken to resign after news about sexual harassment

27 sep 2023 ,

Rector Magnificus Han van Krieken has announced the resignation of his position. The rector was due to remain in his role until October 17th, after which he would be succeeded by José Sanders. Due to the news surrounding transgressive behaviour, Van Krieken saw little choice but to pull back.

“I am aware that the situation that has arisen stands in the way of a festive 100th anniversary celebration”, Han van Krieken writes in a message on the Radboud University website. Van Krieken is talking about the celebrations surrounding Radboud University’s centenary and the associated festivities. “It makes me sad to say goodbye to you all in this way.”

Last weekend it was reported in De Gelderlander that Han van Krieken made two sexually intimidating comments to a female employee in 2017. After the complaint made by the woman was declared valid, Van Krieken received a warning. The woman left the university after a settlement agreement. At the time, the university kept quiet about the incident. Six years later, it was made public through the press.

‘Touched deeply’

“We appreciate Han van Krieken’s courageous decision to resign early from his duties as rector”, the executive board stated in a message on the university website. “We thank him for seven years of commitment and dedication.”

The two remaining members of the board, chair Daniël Wigboldus and vice chair Agnes Mukens, also reacted to Van Krieken’s resignation. In a statement, they write to be touched deeply by the stepping down of the rector.

“The rapid developments evoke many feelings and thoughts in us as well,” reads the statement on the website. Wigboldus and Mukens thank the rector for everything he has meant to the university and to them, and for his courageous decision to create space now.

Interim chair UNL

Van Krieken, who was originally a pathologist, has been associated with Radboud University and Radboudumc since 1999. He became Rector Magnificus on 19 May 2016 and was set to retire following the centenary celebrations.

It was also announced today that Van Krieken would step down as the interim chair of the Universities of the Netherlands (UNL). Van Krieken was supposed to fill the position during the upcoming months while the association of Dutch universities was looking for a permanent chairman.

Translated by Jasper Pesch

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