Student and employee of Radboud University affected by Coronavirus
Coronavirus. Beeld: NIH / Flickr
According to an university spokesperson, a Radboud University employee has been diagnosed with the Coronavirus while on vacation and is now treated on-site. Now, a student has been diagnosed as well. The student hasn’t been on campus while infected with the virus.
As of now, there are no educational consequences. The infected student will stay at home until he/she has fully recovered and the incubation period has passed. More details about the student have not been released by the university. ’For privacy reasons, we would like to keep it as anonymous as possible’, said Radboud spokesperson Anja van Kessel.
The employee who had been diagnosed earlier last week while on vacation abroad is treated on-site at his hotel. In which country the man is situated and for which department he is working has not been detailed due to privacy reasons. ’Radboud University is in contact with him and wishes a fast recovery’, specified a statement on Radboudnet.
Approval for traveling
Last week, the university published a report answering the most frequently asked questions about the Coronavirus. According to the report, university employees who intend to go to an ’orange zone’ (regions for which non-emergency travels have been advised against, such as Northern Italy, red.), are required to seek approval from their dean or the director of their division.
So far, 128 people have been infected with the Coronavirus in the Netherlands, including five people from Gelderland. One woman has been admitted to Radboudumc so far. The woman, who had recently been on vacation in Northern Italy, called in last Wednesday evening with COVID-19 symptoms. She since has been quarantined at the hospital.
This article is a summary of two Dutch articles published on the 06-03-2020 and the 07-03-2020.