‘The Vierdaagse? Is that a beer festival?’
Mira van Egmond. Photo: Marjolein van Diejen
They come from all corners of the world, the international students who settled down at the university yesterday. Are they well-prepared or do they have a lot to learn? Vox tests if they did their homework. 'Is Germany really only seven kilometers from the city? I should get a bike!'
Mira van Egmond (21) comes from Vienna, Austria. She is here for a psychology bachelor programme. She also considered Tilburg, Leiden and Amsterdam, but ended up here in Nijmegen.
Ha, welcome. Do you know Nijmegen already?
In fluent Dutch: ‘No, but I do know The Netherlands. My father comes from Abcoude, I still have family there. In Vienna, I studied Dutch language and literature, and English, but that did not fit me. I am looking forward to studying psychology.’
Good, let’s start easy. How many inhabitants does our city have?
‘Oops, I have not a single idea. Twenty thousand is my best guess.’
A little more: 173.205. What percentage of that is a university student, do you think?
‘Sixty percent. It is a college city, after all.’
It is, but still we do not make it past eleven percent. Something else, which non-Dutch nationality is the biggest group here?
‘Germans, I am sure about that. Many of them also come to Austria, because we do not have an intake restriction in medical programmes – just a application test. I think that fifty to sixty percent of our medical students comes from Germany.’
Exactly. How far from the Nijmegen city center is Germany?
‘Hmm. I think an hour by car, maybe two.’
Seven kilometers.
‘Seven! I should really get a bike!’
You should. Do you know the river?
‘The Waal! I have not been there yet, but I looked at the city map.’
In July, the city floods with people. In a week’s time, over a million people – from The Netherlands and from all over the world – visit Nijmegen. Why?
‘The vierdaagse, the four days marches!’
Right! Finally: welcome to Radboud University. But what is a Radboud?
‘That looks like a name. Maybe the founder of the university, or a donator.’
Radboud van Utrecht, a medieval bishop. Have a nice week!
‘Ah, right. Thank you!’

Nea Paldanius (18) lives in Brussels, but is originally from Finland. She enrolled in the artificial intelligence bachelor programme. She checked a list of potential study programs and stranded at the A. Nijmegen popped up quickly.
How are you?
‘Fine. I am a bit early, but I am very excited.’
How does Nijmegen treat you so far?
‘I have been here a couple of times already, but only to look for a dorm. I was too late for a SSHN apartment, since I only enrolled in the program of my choice at the end of June. I have not seen much of Nijmegen yet — except these apartments of course.’
So you only know for about six weeks now that you would go to Nijmegen. Did you read a lot on forehand?
‘Well, kind of. Let’s see.’
Okay. How many citizens does Nijmegen have?
‘When it comes to size, it reminds me of my birthplace in the north of Finland. 200.000-ish, I would say.’
Close enough! What percentage of that is university students you think?
Somewhat less. Which group of foreign students is best represented?
‘Germans, without a doubt.’
Exactly. How close is Germany then?
‘It is not far at all. Fifty kilometers? No, less. Thirty.’
Only seven! Do you know how the river is called?
‘O, I have heard this name a million times. Still, no idea.’
De Waal. Have you heard of the enormous event in July?
‘Ha, you mean the four days marches. I read some things about it. I really like hiking, maybe I’ll participate one day.’
You should! Last one: who is Radboud?
‘No idea. However, the name sounds like there is some sort of religious connection. Was he a bishop maybe?’
Wow, you are ready for this.
Glen, Siegy and George, parents and brother of Rebecca Hammond (21). She is here for a psychology bachelor programme and comes from the Isle of Wright, United Kingdom. Opted for Spain and the Netherlands, Radboud University was assigned to her.
What are you doing here?
‘We are here to drop of Rebecca, we are her parents and her brother. Becca will study psychology here, for a full year. We drove here by car and we will stay in Nijmegen for a couple of days.’
I am curious what you know about Nijmegen already.
‘We are as well, bring it on.’
Well then, how many citizens does Nijmegen have?
Dad: ‘150.000, I think. A bit more than our island, Isle of Wright, located south of Southhampton.’
Mum: ‘It must be more. 180.000.’
Very close. What percentage of that are university students?
George: ‘18.000, I would say. Around ten percent.’
Good! Which group of foreign students is represented best?
Dad: ‘Americans.’
Mum: ‘Germans, that would make much more sense. Germany is nearer.’
Dud: ‘But I heard so many Americans today already.’
Mum: ‘Okay, either Americans or Germans.’
Germans. How far is Germany exactly?
Dad: ‘Not far, right?’
George: ‘Around 15 miles.’
So, roughly 24 kilometer you would say? In fact it is 7, a good 4 miles. What’s is the name of the river?
Mum: ‘We can see it from our hotel room.’
Dad: ‘And we crossed it. I can’t spell it, but it must be the Waal.’
Nice. Do you know why Nijmegen is extremely crowded every third week of July?
Mum: ‘I can’t tell. A million visitors you say?’
George: ‘Some kind of festival.’
Mum: ‘A beer festival.’
The four days marches, a hiking event. It goes hand in hand with beer though.
Mum: ‘Ha, we have the same! And a big pop festival, and the regatta. Up to 1200 sailboats every year.’
Ouch, you surpass us. One last question: who is Radboud?
Dad: ‘I don’t know.’
Mum: ‘I arranged this whole thing together with Becca, so if someone should know it, it is me. Is he a professor or so?’
A medieval bishop, Radboud van Utrecht.
Dad: ‘Great, thanks for learning us.’
Mum: ‘We’ll tell Becca.’