To the ‘wonderful people’ of Dundee: here’s my bike
Photo: Gareth Christie
Loren Brouwers (25, Arts & Culture studies) studied in Dundee for six months. When her departure back to the Netherlands came closer, she had to get rid of her bike. She left the bike in the street, so that everybody could use it. The local newspaper wrote an article about it.
‘I actually think it is no big deal that I gave my bike away for free, but I do think it is important to make a statement. So I left a note on it, so that it was harder to just steal the bike. Now, I hope that people just use the bike and hand it to the next person when they do not need it anymore.’
Loren Brouwers’story was in the local newspaper The Courier.
Back in Nijmegen she wonders if all the attention is really necessary. ‘One the one hand, it is positive. More people know about it now, so it will not just be used by one person, people will recognise it. On the other hand I think it is negative, because why is this so special? Can’t we just live in a society in which we share things?’
Brouwers hopes that her good deed will be imitated by others, and it seems that she has some success there. ‘A friend of mine is studying in Africa now, and she told me that she wants to do the same with her bike. Wouldn’t that be lovely?’