University’s construction plans met with resistance
Foto: CC
The university's plans to clear the trackway to the Houtlaan for trucks during the demolition of the Thomas van Aquinostraat is met with resistance. After the residents, environmental organisations make their voice heard in the debate. 'We will do anything to stop this.'
The university wants to sacrifice the Van Disveldpad temporarily, to make room for freight traffic during the demolition of the Thomas van Aquinostraat, which will start in February 2018. Residents of Brakkenstein already showed their discontent with banners, complaining about the nuisance on the Houtlaan, the street that crosses the pathway.
The traffic on the Houtlaan will not only cause an unsafe Houtlaan, it might also affect nature. Partij voor de Dieren (Animal party) is concerned about a asphalt road through the forest. ‘A road like that is a disturbance of nature’, says Tim Zeegers of the Nijmegen work group of the political party. He is worried about the salamanders and small mammals that live in the forest, and the recently spotted hawk.
Zeegers points at the noise disturbance for the animals, ‘and the increasing chance that they get run over by the trucks’. As soon as the university will send out the permit for use of the trackway, the Animal Party will object. Zeegers: ‘That will slow it down at least, and we will keep doing anything in our power to stop this plan.
Zeegers does not think it will have to come that far. The university has created six scenario’s to regulate the freight traffic. ‘One of the scenario’s is clever use of the existing roads, so why not choose that one?’
Safe and environmental-friendly
Nature organisation IVN Nijmegen also says the Van Disveldpad is not the most obvious option. Bea Peeters of IVN points out the damage to the environment, but also notices the safety risks. ‘Next to nature’s advocates, we are parents who worry about the safety of children who go to school on their bikes’, says Peeters.
It is a scary thought that all those trucks use the same roads as the normal traffic
Peeters understands the university’s choice, since it is the most traffic-safe option of the six. ‘It is a scary thought that all those trucks use the same roads as the normal traffic.’ But Peeters is not yet convinced of the need to affect the pathway. ‘There are so many smart people at university. They have to be able to come up with a plan that saves nature and is safe at the same times. I would prefer the seventh option.’
Geert Stoltenberg, of the university’s real estate department, is responsible for the demolition and calls the remarks a good sign. ‘I am happy that residents and environment groups help us with finding the best option.’ After exhaustive research, the pathway seemed the best option, ‘but we are open to all scenario’s.’ In the second week of July the university organises an information night for concerned citizens – the third this year. ‘We will listen to all considerations carefully again.’