
End-of-year questions (4): Thomas Keulemans

04 Jan 2019

A new action group spread 600 copies of their "Love letter to the University" on campus in May. Changing Perspective stepped out of the shadows with an information stand on the Erasmusplein, a few lectures, and a round-table discussion. One of the founders is Thomas Keulemans.

How do you look back on the founding of Changing Perspective, and are you happy with what you have achieved so far?

‘It is nice to see how a small initiative can grow into a critical student movement. Many people now know us, even outside of Nijmegen, and the Executive Board can no longer ignore us either. Although we hope to still reach and engage more people.’

What was the highlight of the past year?

‘The highlight was the vigorous protest in September, which was even reported in the national media. The occupation of the PCH in Amsterdam was also an enriching experience. It was a good year for student activism, but we are never content, and are marching on towards a 2019 filled with highlights.’

What is the best thing you’ve seen, heard, or read this year?

‘Seeing red squares appear on our own campus and everywhere in the Netherlands – including the Executive Board! A movement like the “yellow vests” also shows that it is time for a change. Hopefully, a wave of critical, social, and inclusive protests will also wash over the Netherlands.’

What is your wish for 2019, for yourself or for others?

‘Accessible, open, and emancipatory education for everyone! I also hope that this cabinet, which has ignored us for years, draws its conclusions and opens the way for social and righteous politics for everything and everyone, especially for those who are systematically excluded.’

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