
Glasses can be raised again in the Cultuurcafé

31 Jan 2022

The catering facilities on campus are once again scaling back up. Today, the Cultuurcafé reopens and the Refter allows for a maximum of 400 people.

Since the press conference last week, the hospitality industry in the Netherlands is allowed to reopen. That means that all catering facilities on campus can also welcome guests once again.

The Cultuurcafé allows for toasts again since today, sports bar The Yard has been open since Saturday. In both cafes, seating is obligatory and 75 people are welcome. The last round of drinks is at 21:45 h, the cafes close at 22:00.

No QR-code

The Refter also welcomes students and employees again. Because the space is so big, several zones have been created for 75 people each. With extra seating in for the example the stairwell next to the Refter (on the ground floor of the Erasmus building) the restaurant allows for around 400 people to be seated. ‘All other catering facilities on campus have a maximum of 75 seats. In some cases, extra seating has been created in the halls,’ says university spokeswoman Anja van Kessel.

Just like earlier in the pandemic QR-code is required to visit catering facilities on campus. That means visitors are not checked on whether they were recently vaccinated, tested, or cured. The idea behind this is that catering facilities on campus is seen as a company cafeteria; it’s only meant for employees and students.

Scaling up and down

Since the start of the pandemic, the service Campus & Facilities has had to scale up and down several times. And they will have to keep that in mind for a little while longer. ‘Basically, we have to assume scenarios in which we will be serving 0 to 10.000 people,’ says Van Kessel.

Many processes have been changed because of that, the spokeswoman explains. ‘We prepare less food ourselves. The working methods of several departments have also been changed, so employees can be spread out more easily and so we can anticipate peak moments.’

QUOTE ‘We have tried to keep our permanent employees busy as much as possible’

It has been very quiet in the catering facilities on campus for the last two years. ‘We have tried to keep our permanent employees busy as much as possible,’ says Van Kessel. Because of that, many catering employees worked in different departments, for example as doorman, covid coach or at Post&Print. Now that plenty of sandwiches, salads and soups are allowed to be served again, everyone has returned to their previous post.

The faciliatory service always employs a lot of students. Because there was no work for them during the several lockdowns, many looked for and found a different job. Meanwhile, new students are being hired again. Van Kessel: ‘We look forward to hiring more students and of course to welcome everyone back.’


Audiences welcome again at Radboud Reflects

The relaxation of the covid restrictions also has consequences for the lectures of Radboud Reflects. ‘From the 7th of February, we welcome back audiences,’ says head of programming Anouta de Groot. Visitors will have to keep one-and-a-half metres distance and show a valid QR-code. All Radboud Reflects events will remain available via livestreams for the foreseeable future.

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