
Record number of GroenLinks votes in polling station 40 (Refter)

27 Mar 2018

People who voted in the Refter last week, polling station 40, have massively voted for GroenLinks. The results per polling station have been counted now.

An analysis of the results per polling station shows that GroenLinks received a record number of votes: 737, which is 41,4 percent of all votes (1782). People voted for D66 413 times, that is 23,2 percent. VVD is the third biggest party, with 169 votes (9,5 percent).

SP made it to a meager 4,7 percent of the total amount of votes. In 2014, that party was the biggest in the Refter, with a quarter of all red dots behind their name. The Partij voor de Dieren (Animal Party), a new contestant in the Nijmegen local elections, overtook SP and received 5,8 percent of the votes.

For the most part, the results in polling station 40 are in accordance with the exit poll that Vox published on the afternoon of the elections. The results of that exit poll were: GroenLinks 45 percent, D66 20 percent, VVD 8,7 percent, SP 4 percent en Partij voor de Dieren 8 percent.

You can find the results of polling station 40 and all other polling stations here.

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