New year’s resolutions at Radboud University
A new year, a new start. Around the university, organizations have formulated new year’s resolutions for 2016. We will be sure to ask them about it again in December!

Gerard Meijer and Wilma de Koning, executive board: ‘In 2016, the minister and state secretary of Education will again decide who gets funding in the Gravitation programme. It would be fantastic if research school OIKOS could obtain one of the grants in that programme. Humanities has been underrepresented during the former distribution of big grants. Next to that, we hope for beautiful results when it comes to research and education, we want to increase sustainability and we hope that all employees of ITS will find a good new position this year.’
Twan van Erp, student faction asap chairman: ‘The university has to improve its communication with students and a RU app would be a step in the right direction. Also, the quality of English education has to be guaranteed with a clearer language policy.’
Funs Elbersen, student faction AKKUraatd chairman: ‘Our resolutions do not all fit in this short piece. I want to highlight one: we are going to make it possible for students to make a digital appointment with a study counsellor in 2016.’
Daniël Wigboldus, dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences: ‘At the end of the year I want to have given more attention to the PhD students in our faculty. The pressure they face is high and their future is insecure. In every annual interview with the professors in the faculty I will put the subject “PhD’s and their coaching” on the agenda. When it comes to me, 2016 will be the year of the PhD students at this faculty.’
Christine Taylor, Global Lounge: ‘In 2016, the Global Lounge will support Radboud University’s rapidly growing international community by bringing together expats and locals, the travelled and the curious; by providing informational programming, community-driven social events, and a place to chill, meet, and enjoy.’
Marian Janssen, Head International Office:
‘Our International Office poet George Lake proposed to write our resolutions in a haiku:
Students, employees / more across the world / as the wind blows leaves.’
Isabel Kimmelfield, PhD Organisation Nijmegen chairman: ‘We want to make PON more visible and engaging through posters, social media, and press. We will organize more Pub Quizzes and other large social events, improve and expand current information on careers outside academia and build a stronger, more vibrant PhD community at Radboud!’
Manon Luinenburg, external officer AEGEE Nijmegen: ‘2016 will be successfull if everyone knows how to pronounce our name AEGEE (eezjee). Just kidding. We hope our members will enjoy every moment of this 30th anniversary year, and make the best of all the (international) opportunities AEGEE provides them.’ / Jozien Wijkhuis