Het Huygensgebouw. Foto: Diede van der Vleuten
There will be no classes at the Faculty of Science on 13 March. According to the dean, Sijbrand de Jong, the measure is a 'clarification' of the Executive Board's guideline.
The Executive Board supports the participation of students and staff in the relay strike on 13 March against the budget cuts in higher education. However, on their own website, the board says that it is important that “classes and research can continue as much as possible”.
This left lecturers at the Faculty of Science unsure about their position. Dean Sijbrand de Jong reveals that there was ‘a lot of uncertainty as well as some unease’ about whether or not to teach on that day. Naturally, it was up to the lecturers to decide. Students were also in the dark about the consequences of not attending lectures if they wanted to join the strike.
‘Not deviating’
Therefore, all regular education for science and engineering students will be suspended, except for exams, practicals, and other essential educational activities that must continue.
De Jong emphasises that the faculty will not close on 13 March. ‘Staff are welcome to come to work, students are welcome to come and study.’ The measure aims to take the pressure off lecturers and provide clarity for everyone in the Huygens building.
‘It’s really important that we make as much noise as possible so that they hear us in The Hague’
According to De Jong, his faculty is not deviating far from the university guideline. ‘Our aim was to relieve the pressure on education and research as much as possible, without harming the interests of staff and students too much.’
Incidentally, the faculty does call on students and staff to participate in the strike. ‘It’s really important that we make as much noise as possible so that they hear us in The Hague’, says De Jong.