In a Nutshell, s.2 e.11: The digital dilemma with Noortje Hoevens
In the Vox podcast In a Nutshell, hosts Jara Majerus and Antonia Leise take a deep dive into the university's most interesting, strange, and exciting research. Every two weeks, they invite Radboud researchers to talk about their favourite topics – explained in bite-sized episodes. In today's episode, Jara talks with Noortje Hoevens about digital governments.
What will a peak behind the government’s screens show us? What do we need to know about digital governments? And how does digitalisation change public values?
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Digitalisation is not just technical – this is the key message of this week’s episode, in which Jara learns about the world of digital governments. Together with her guest Noortje Hoevens, she discusses the political and social aspects of digitalisation and investigates how digitalisation causes a shift in values – from intrinsic to IT values.
Hoevens is a PhD candidate at Radboud University. She investigates the relationship between digitalisation and public values in Dutch public agencies.
Do you want to learn more about the pitfalls of digitalisation? Then, follow Hoevens’ advice and watch the documentary The Social Dilemma.
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